Bikini Bottom Ruffles, Floating & Letting Go
You could see the panic ripple across her face when the swim instructor tried to let go of her hand. She had arrived at the pool in her pink polka-dotted bikini with ruffles on her bottom. Her corkscrew curls stuck out around the edges of the rubbery bathing cap her mother had wrestled onto her head. She looked to be about 4 or 5 years old, but she had walked the pool deck before her swim lesson as if it were the catwalk at the NYC Fashion Week. Everything about her exuded confidence. Until now. Just lay back. Let go. Let go. Just lay back and float. I'm going to take my hand away. "Nooooooooo!" echoed throughout the pool room. Ear-splitting shrieks followed. Eventually, she floated. Tear-stained and still shuddering from the experience, she called to her mom, "I did it mom. I let go." I've been working on my boundless list this first month. If you remember, my challenge was to practice yoga for 30 days straight (you can read about the list HERE...