Making A List & Checking It Twice

If I close my eyes, I can still see her leaning over the kitchen counter. Her mom jeans are rolled at the ankle because she couldn't find a petite size at JC Penneys. Painted chickadees dance across her Christmas sweatshirt. Her blue pen hovers over the notepad. In teacher-perfect swooping cursive she writes: Pork loin Potatoes Pie crust Frozen squash Rhodes rolls Pistachio pudding (sugar free) Maraschino cherries Walnuts Mini marshmallows 1 can of crushed pineapple Then, she reaches for her purse that weighs as much as most people's carry-on luggage. She makes sure she has her checkbook and pops half a stick of Doublemint gum into her mouth. "Are you ready?" she asks. Mom. My mom taught me to make lists. She made shopping lists, Christmas lists, to-do lists, classroom supply lists, and reminder lists. When you feel overwhelmed, make a list. ...